A New Hymn for the Transfiguration: In Glory Shone the Holy One

Given the dearth of appropriate hymns for the Transfiguration of Our Lord (it is, after all, rather a recent observance), I was moved to write a hymn for the occasion a few years ago. The hymn was never sung anywhere, aside from my own car/office, nor was the text ever made public, as far as I can remember. It has remained hidden in my notes, but after reviewing it again I think it’s time to include it here. Because it is not a part of the authentic Lutheran chorale tradition, it will, like my other hymn, remain on the blog rather than getting its own page among the hymns. I hope, nevertheless, that it proves edifying to those who choose to peruse it. It is intended to be sung to the tune Veni Redemptor gentium, on which the tune for Luther’s hymn “Savior of the Nations, Come (Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland)” is based, but it can of course be sung to any tune in 8.8. 8.8.

Also, because of the unfortunate compulsory introduction of the Gutenberg text editor on the WordPress platform, I am unable to implement some of the formatting that has become standard on the site. I am therefore experimenting here with some alternate formatting that reflects 16th- and 17th-century hymnal printing conventions. Eventually I may try migrating the rest of the site to this format, with the possibility of more beautiful fonts. We’ll see.

Tune: Veni Redemptor gentium

  1. In glory shone the Holy One, / The Father’s sole-begotten Son, / Whose radiant face and raiment bright / Gave forth on earth His heav’nly light.
  2. On Him this wondrous deed was wrought / When Peter, James, and John He brought / Unto the holy mountain’s height, / There to behold the glorious sight.
  3. His hidden glory did appear / And filled the men with holy fear / As they with mortal eyes beheld / The light by darkness never quelled.
  4. There Moses and Elijah stood, / Who spake the Word as they were moved / By God’s own Spirit, Light divine, / That on us men His Word might shine.
  5. Then did the brilliant cloud descend / Which darkness cannot comprehend / And veiled the Savior in that light / Which hath no end and knows no night.
  6. From thence the Father’s voice came down: / This Man is My beloved Son / With whom I am well pleased indeed, / So hear His voice, His teaching heed.
  7. Then all was back as it had been / And Christ they saw alone again / Who said, To none the vision tell / Till I have conquered death and hell.
  8. Though hidden now from mortal eyes, / His light among us brightly shines / As through the Apostolic Word / It beams on all who’ve gladly heard.

Christopher J. Neuendorf, 2016

3 thoughts on “A New Hymn for the Transfiguration: In Glory Shone the Holy One

  1. David

    For me, this text (or at least the first line) evokes the tune Christum wir sollen loben schon. I think they would go pretty well together.

    1. Christopher Neuendorf Post author

      Believe it or not, “Christum wir sollen loben schon” was the tune I had in mind when I wrote the text. Are you thinking the syllabic version (as in TLH), or the older melismatic version?


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