To sing this Psalm, see the Psalm Tones.
1 Sing unto the | Lord ( a ) new song;*
the congregation of | saints shall ( praise ) Him.
2 Let Israel rejoice in | Him ( that ) made him;*
let the children of Zion be | joy- ful ( in their ) King.
3 They shall praise His | name ( in ) the dance;*
with timbrels and harps | shall they ( play for ) Him.
4 For the Lord taketh pleasure | in ( His ) peo- ple;*
He helpeth the | hum- ble ( glo- rious- ) ly.
5 The saints shall be | joy- ( ful ) and praise*
and sing a- | loud up- ( on their ) beds.
6 Their mouth | shall ( ex- ) alt God,*
and sharp swords shall they | have in ( their ) hands,
7 that they may execute vengeance a- | mong ( the ) heath- en,*
judgments a- | mong the ( peo- ) ples,
8 to | bind ( their kings ) with chains,*
and their nobles with | i- ron ( fet- ) ters,
9 that they may execute upon them the judgment of which | it ( is ) writ- ten;*
such honor | all his ( saints will ) have.
Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and | to the ( Ho- ly ) Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and | ev- ( er ) shall be,*
world | with- out ( end. A- ) men.