The 119th Psalm. Beati immaculati.


א  Aleph. Beati immaculati.

View Pointing:

1Blessed are the blameless in the way,
who walk in the Law of the Lord.
2Blessed are they that keep His testimonies,
that seek Him with all their heart.
3They also do no wrong;
in His ways they walk.
4Thou hast commanded Thy precepts
to be kept diligently.
5O that my ways were directed
to keep Thy statutes!
6Then shall I not be ashamed, when I look
unto all Thy commandments.
7I will praise Thee with uprightness of heart,
when I learn Thy righteous judgments.
8Thy statutes will I keep;
O forsake me not utterly.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the First Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Second Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

1Blessed are the | blame- ( less in ) the way,*
who walk in the | Law of ( the ) Lord.
2Blessed are they that keep His | tes- ( ti- ) monies,*
that seek | Him with ( all their ) heart.
3They | al- ( so do ) no wrong;*
… | in His ( ways they ) walk.
4Thou hast command- | ed ( Thy ) precepts*
to be kept | dili- ( gent- ) ly.
5O that my ways | were ( di- ) rected*
to | keep Thy ( stat- ) utes!
6Then shall I not be a- | shamed, ( when ) I look*
unto all | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
7I will praise Thee with up- | right- ( ness ) of heart,*
when I learn Thy | righteous ( judg- ) ments.
8Thy | stat- ( utes will ) I keep;*
O forsake | me not ( utter- ) ly.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the First Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Second Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The First Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Second Octave, with one Gloria Patri, at Prime daily.

ב  Beth. In quo corrigit.

View Pointing:

9With what shall a young man cleanse his path,
to keep it according to Thy Word?
10With all my heart have I sought Thee;
O let me not wander from Thy commandments.
11In mine heart have I hid what Thou hast said,
that I might not sin against Thee.
12Blessed art Thou, O Lord;
teach me Thy statutes.
13With my lips have I recounted
all the judgments of Thy mouth.
14In the way of Thy testimonies have I rejoiced,
as much as in all riches.
15In Thy precepts will I meditate,
and will take heed unto Thy paths.
16In Thy statutes will I delight myself;
I will not forget Thy Word.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

9With what shall a | youngman cleanse ) his path,*
to keep it ac- | cording ( to Thy ) Word?
10With all my heart | have ( I ) sought Thee;*
O let me not wander from | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
11In mine heart have I | hid ( what Thou ) hast said,*
that I might not | sin a- ( gainst ) Thee.
12Bless- | ed ( art Thou, ) O Lord;*
teach | me Thy ( stat- ) utes.
13With my lips have | I ( re- ) counted*
all the | judgments ( of Thy ) mouth.
14In the way of Thy testimo- | nies ( have I ) rejoiced,*
as much as | in allrich- ) es.
15In Thy precepts | will ( I med- ) itate,*
and will take heed | unto ( Thy ) paths.
16In Thy statutes will | I ( delight ) myself;*
I will | not for- ( get Thy ) Word.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Second Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the First Octave, with one Gloria Patri, at Prime daily.

ג  Gimel. Retribue servo tuo.

View Pointing:

17Requite Thy servant; I shall live,
and I will keep Thy Word.
18Open mine eyes, and I shall behold
wondrous things out of Thy Law.
19A stranger am I in the earth;
hide not from me Thy commandments.
20My soul breaketh for its longing
unto Thy judgments at all times.
21Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed,
which do err from Thy commandments.
22Roll away from me reproach and contempt;
for Thy testimonies have I kept.
23Also did princes sit; against me did they speak;
Thy servant did meditate in Thy statutes.
24Also are Thy testimonies my delight,
the men of my counsel.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Third Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Fourth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

17Requite Thy | serv- ( ant; I ) shall live,*
and | I will ( keep Thy ) Word.
18Open mine eyes, and | I ( shall ) behold*
wondrous things | out of ( Thy ) Law.
19A stranger am | I ( in ) the earth;*
hide not from me | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
20My soul breaketh | for ( its ) longing*
unto Thy judg- | ments at ( all ) times.
21Thou hast rebuked the | proud ( that ) are cursed,*
which do err from | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
22Roll away from me re- | roach ( and ) contempt;*
for I have kept Thy | testi- ( mo- ) nies.
23Also did princes sit; a- | gainst ( me did ) they speak;*
Thy servant did meditate | in Thy ( stat- ) utes.
24Also are Thy testi- | mo- ( nies my ) delight,*
the men | of my ( coun- ) sel.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Third Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Fourth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Third Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Fourth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, at Prime daily.

ד  Daleth. Adhaesit pavimento.

View Pointing:

25My soul cleaveth unto the dust;
quicken me according to Thy Word.
26My ways have I recounted, and Thou heardest me;
teach me Thy statutes.
27The way of Thy precepts make me to understand,
and I shall dwell on Thy wondrous works.
28My soul melteth from heaviness;
sustain me according to Thy Word.
29The way of lying remove from me,
and Thy Law graciously grant me.
30The way of truthfulness have I chosen;
Thy judgments have I laid before me.
31I have cleaved unto Thy testimonies;
O Lord, put me not to shame.
32The way of Thy commandments will I run;
for Thou shalt enlarge my heart.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

25My soul cleaveth | un- ( to ) the dust;*
quicken me ac- | cording ( to Thy ) Word.
26My ways have I recounted, | and ( Thou heard- ) est me;*
teach | me Thy ( stat- ) utes.
27The way of Thy precepts make | me ( to un- ) derstand,*
and I shall dwell | on Thy ( wondrous ) works.
28My soul melt- | eth ( from heav- ) iness;*
sustain me ac- | cording ( to Thy ) Word.
29The way of ly- | ing ( remove ) from me,*
and Thy Law gra- | ciously ( grant ) me.
30The way of truthfulness | have ( I ) chosen;*
Thy judgments have I | laid be- ( fore ) me.
31I have cleaved unto Thy | tes- ( ti- ) monies;*
O Lord, | put me ( not to ) shame.
32The way of Thy com- | mand- ( ments will ) I run;*
for Thou | shalt en- ( large ) my heart.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Fourth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Third Octave, with one Gloria Patri, at Prime daily.

ה  He. Legem pone.

View Pointing:

33Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes,
and I shall keep it unto the end.
34Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy Law,
and I shall observe it with all my heart.
35Make me to go in the path of Thy commandments;
for therein do I delight.
36Incline my heart unto Thy testimonies,
and not to covetousness.
37Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity;
in Thy way quicken me.
38Establish for Thy servant what Thou hast said,
which is for them that fear Thee.
39Turn away my reproach which I dread;
for Thy judgments are good.
40Behold, I have longed after Thy precepts;
in Thy righteousness quicken me.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Fifth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Sixth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

33Teach me, O Lord, the way | of ( Thy ) statutes,*
and I shall keep it | unto ( the ) end.
34Give me understanding, and | I ( shall keep ) Thy Law,*
and I shall observe | it with ( all my ) heart.
35Make me to go in the path of | Thy ( com- ) mandments;*
for there- | in do ( I de- ) light.
36Incline my heart unto Thy | tes- ( ti- ) monies,*
and not to | covet- ( ous- ) ness.
37Turn away mine eyes from be- | hold- ( ing van- ) ity;*
in | Thy wayquicken ) me.
38Establish for Thy serv- | ant ( what Thou ) hast said,*
which is for | them that ( fear ) Thee.
39Turn away my re- | proach ( which ) I dread;*
for Thy | judgments ( are ) good.
40Behold, I have longed af- | ter ( Thy ) precepts;*
in Thy right- | eousness ( quicken ) me.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Fifth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Sixth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Fifth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Sixth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the First Psalm at Terce daily.

ו  Waw. Et veniat super me.

View Pointing:

41And let Thy mercies come unto me, O Lord,
Thy salvation, according as Thou hast said.
42And I shall have a word to answer him that reproacheth me;
for I trust in Thy Word.
43And take not the Word of truth utterly out of my mouth;
for I have hoped for Thy judgments.
44And I shall keep Thy Law continually,
forever and ever.
45And I will walk in a broad place;
for I seek Thy precepts.
46And I will speak of Thy testimonies before kings,
and will not be ashamed.
47And I will delight myself in Thy commandments,
which I have loved.
48And I will lift up my hands unto Thy commandments,
which I have loved, and will dwell on Thy statutes.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

41And let Thy mercies come | un- ( to me, ) O Lord,*
Thy salvation, accord- | ing as ( Thou hast ) said.
42And I shall have a word to answer him | that ( reproach- ) eth me;*
for I | trust in ( Thy ) Word.
43And take not the Word of truth utterly | out ( of ) my mouth;*
for I have hoped | for Thy ( judg- ) ments.
44And I shall keep Thy | Law ( contin- ) ually,*
forev- | er and ( ev- ) er.
45And I will walk | in ( a ) broad place;*
for I | seek Thy ( pre- ) cepts.
46And I will speak of Thy testimo- | nies ( be- ) fore kings,*
and will | not be ( a- ) shamed.
47And I will delight myself in | Thy ( com- ) mandments,*
… | which I ( have ) loved.
48And I will lift up my hands unto | Thy ( com- ) mandments,*
which I have loved, and will dwell | on Thy ( stat- ) utes.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Sixth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Fifth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the First Psalm at Terce daily.

ז  Zayin. Memor esto verbi tui.

View Pointing:

49Remember Thy Word unto Thy servant,
in which Thou hast caused me to hope.
50This is my comfort in my affliction;
for what Thou hast said hath quickened me.
51The proud have scorned me exceedingly;
from Thy Law have I not declined.
52I remembered Thy judgments from of old, O Lord,
and have taken comfort.
53Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked,
that forsake Thy Law.
54Thy statutes have been my songs
in the house of my pilgrimage.
55I have remembered Thy name in the night, O Lord,
and have kept Thy Law.
56This hath been mine,
for Thy precepts I have observed.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Seventh Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Eighth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

49Remember Thy Word un- | to ( Thy ) servant,*
in which Thou hast | caused me ( to ) hope.
50This is my comfort in | my ( af- ) fliction;*
for what Thou hast | said hath ( quickened ) me.
51The proud have scorned | me ( exceed- ) ingly;*
from Thy Law | have I ( not ) declined.
52I remembered Thy judgments | from ( of old, ) O Lord,*
and have | taken ( com- ) fort.
53Horror hath taken hold upon me because | of ( the ) wicked,*
… | that for- ( sake ) Thy Law.
54Thy stat- | utes ( have been ) my songs*
in the house | of my ( pilgrim- ) age.
55I have remembered Thy name | in ( the night, ) O Lord,*
… | and have ( kept Thy ) Law.
56… | This ( hath ) been mine,*
for Thy pre- | cepts have ( I ob- ) served.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Seventh Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Eighth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Seventh Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Eighth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Second Psalm at Terce daily.

ח  Heth. Portio mea, Domine.

View Pointing:

57My portion is the Lord; I said
that I would keep Thy words.
58I entreated Thy face with all my heart;
be gracious unto me as Thou hast said.
59I thought on my ways,
and turned my feet unto Thy testimonies.
60I made haste, and did not delay,
to keep Thy commandments.
61The cords of the wicked ensnared me;
Thy Law have I not forgotten.
62At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto Thee,
because of Thy righteous judgments.
63I am a companion of all them that fear Thee,
and of them that keep Thy precepts.
64Of Thy mercy, O Lord, the earth is full;
Thy statutes do Thou teach me.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

57My portion | is ( the Lord; ) I said*
that | I would ( keep Thy ) words.
58I entreated Thy | face ( with all ) my heart;*
be gracious unto | me as ( Thou ) hast said.
59I | thought ( on ) my ways,*
and turned my feet unto Thy | testi- ( mo- ) nies.
60I made haste, and | did ( not ) delay,*
to keep | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
61The cords of the wick- | ed ( en- ) snared me;*
Thy Law have I | not for- ( got- ) ten.
62At midnight I will rise to give | thanks ( un- ) to Thee,*
because of Thy | righteous ( judg- ) ments.
63I am a companion of all | them ( that ) fear Thee,*
and of them that | keep Thy ( pre- ) cepts.
64Of Thy mercy, O | Lord, ( the earth ) is full;*
Thy statutes | do Thou ( teach ) me.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Eighth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Seventh Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Second Psalm at Terce daily.

ט  Teth. Bonitatem fecisti.

View Pointing:

65Good hast Thou done with Thy servant, O Lord,
according to Thy Word.
66Good judgment and knowledge teach Thou me;
for in Thy commandments have I believed.
67Before I was afflicted I went astray,
but now what Thou hast said have I kept.
68Good Thou art, and a doer of good;
do Thou teach me Thy statutes.
69The proud have forged a lie against me,
but I, with all my heart, will observe Thy precepts.
70Their heart congeals like the fat,
but I in Thy Law delight myself.
71It is good for me that I was afflicted,
that I might learn Thy statutes.
72Better to me is the Law of Thy mouth
than thousands of gold and silver.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Ninth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Tenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

65Good hast Thou done with Thy | serv- ( ant, ) O Lord,*
ac- | cording ( to Thy ) Word.
66Good judgment and | knowl- ( edge teach ) Thou me;*
for in Thy command- | ments have ( I be- ) lieved.
67Before I was afflict- | ed ( I went ) astray,*
but now what Thou hast | said have ( I ) kept.
68Good Thou art, and a | do- ( er ) of good;*
do Thou teach | me Thy ( stat- ) utes.
69The proud have forged a | lie ( a- ) gainst me,*
but I, with all my heart, will ob- | serve Thy ( pre- ) cepts.
70Their heart con- | ge- ( als like ) the fat,*
but I in Thy | Law de- ( light my- ) self.
71It is good for me that I | was ( af- ) flicted,*
that I might | learn Thy ( stat- ) utes.
72Better to me is the | Law ( of ) Thy mouth*
than thousands of | gold and ( sil- ) ver.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Ninth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Tenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Ninth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Tenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Third Psalm at Terce daily.

י  Yodh. Manus tuae fecerunt me.

View Pointing:

73Thy hands have made me and fashioned me;
give me understanding, and I will learn Thy commandments.
74They that fear Thee will see me and rejoice,
for in Thy Word have I hoped.
75I know, O Lord, that Thy judgments are right,
and in faithfulness Thou hast afflicted me.
76Let, I pray, Thy kindness be for my comfort,
as Thou hast said to Thy servant.
77Let Thy tender mercies come unto me, and I shall live;
for Thy Law is my delight.
78Let the proud be ashamed; for with falsehood they subverted me,
but I will dwell on Thy precepts.
79Let those that fear Thee turn unto me,
and those that have known Thy testimonies.
80Let my heart be blameless in Thy statutes,
that I be not ashamed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

73Thy hands have made | me ( and fash- ) ioned me;*
give me understanding, and I will learn | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
74They that fear Thee will | see ( me and ) rejoice,*
for in Thy | Word have ( I ) hoped.
75I know, O Lord, that Thy | judg- ( ments ) are right,*
and in faithfulness Thou | hast af- ( flicted ) me.
76Let, I pray, Thy kindness be | for ( my ) comfort,*
as Thou hast said | to Thy ( serv- ) ant.
77Let Thy tender mercies come unto | me, ( and I ) shall live;*
for Thy | Law is ( my de- ) light.
78Let the proud be ashamed; for with falsehood | they ( subvert- ) ed me,*
but I will dwell | on Thy ( pre- ) cepts.
79Let those that fear Thee | turn ( un- ) to me,*
and those that have known Thy | testi- ( mo- ) nies.
80Let my heart be blameless | in ( Thy ) statutes,*
that | I be ( not a- ) shamed.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Tenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Ninth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Third Psalm at Terce daily.

כ  Kaph. Deficit anima mea.

View Pointing:

81My soul is consumed for Thy salvation;
in Thy Word do I hope.
82Mine eyes are consumed for what Thou hast said,
saying, When wilt Thou comfort me?
83For I am become like a wineskin in the smoke;
Thy statutes do I not forget.
84How many are the days of Thy servant?
When wilt Thou execute judgment on my persecutors?
85The proud have dug pits for me,
which are not after Thy Law.
86All Thy commandments are faithful;
falsely do they persecute me; help me.
87They had almost consumed me upon earth;
but I forsook not Thy precepts.
88After Thy lovingkindness quicken me,
and I shall keep the testimony of Thy mouth.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Eleventh Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Twelfth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

81My soul is consumed for | Thy ( sal- ) vation;*
in Thy | Word do ( I ) hope.
82Mine eyes are consumed | for ( what Thou ) hast said,*
saying, When | wilt Thou ( comfort ) me?
83For I am become like a | wine- ( skin in ) the smoke;*
Thy statutes | do I ( not for- ) get.
84How many are the days | of ( Thy ) servant?*
When wilt Thou execute judgment on my | perse- ( cu- ) tors?
85The proud | have ( dug pits ) for me,*
which are not | after ( Thy ) Law.
86All Thy command- | ments ( are ) faithful;*
falsely do they perse- | cute me; ( help ) me.
87They had almost consumed | me ( up- ) on earth;*
but I forsook | not Thy ( pre- ) cepts.
88After Thy loving- | kind- ( ness quick- ) en me,*
and I shall keep the testi- | mony ( of Thy ) mouth.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Eleventh Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Twelfth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Eleventh Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Twelfth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the First Psalm at Sext daily.

ל  Lamedh. In aeternum, Domine.

View Pointing:

89Forever, O Lord,
Thy Word is affixed in the heavens.
90Unto all generations is Thy faithfulness;
Thou hast established the earth, and it standeth fast.
91By Thy judgments they stand fast this day;
for all things are Thy servants.
92Had not Thy Law been my delights,
I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93Forever I will not forget Thy precepts;
for with them Thou hast quickened me.
94I am Thine, save me;
for Thy precepts have I sought.
95The wicked have waited for me to destroy me;
Thy testimonies will I consider.
96Of all perfection have I seen an end;
exceeding broad is Thy commandment.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

89For- | ev- ( er, ) O Lord,*
Thy Word is affixed | in the ( heav- ) ens.
90Unto all generations | is ( Thy faith- ) fulness;*
Thou hast established the earth, | and it ( standeth ) fast.
91By Thy judgments | they ( stand fast ) this day;*
for all things | are Thy ( serv- ) ants.
92Had not Thy | Law ( been my ) delights,*
I should then have perished in | mine af- ( flic- ) tion.
93Forever I will not for- | get ( Thy ) precepts;*
for with them | Thou hast ( quickened ) me.
94… | I ( am Thine, ) save me;*
for Thy | precepts ( have I ) sought.
95The wicked have waited for me | to ( de- ) stroy me;*
Thy testimonies will | I con- ( sid- ) er.
96Of all perfection | have ( I seen ) an end;*
exceeding broad is | Thy com- ( mand- ) ment.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Twelfth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Eleventh Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the First Psalm at Sext daily.

מ  Mem. Quomodo dilexi.

View Pointing:

97Oh, how I have loved Thy Law!
All the day it is my meditation.
98More than mine enemies Thou makest me wise through Thy commandments;
for they are ever with me.
99More than all my teachers have I gained understanding;
for Thy testimonies are a meditation for me.
100More than the elders do I gain discernment;
for Thy precepts do I observe.
101From every evil way have I restrained my feet,
that I might keep Thy Word.
102From Thy judgments have I not departed;
for it is Thou who hast taught me.
103How sweet to my taste are the things which Thou hast said,
more than honey to my mouth!
104From Thy precepts I gain discernment; therefore have I hated
every path of falsehood.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Thirteenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Fourteenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

97Oh, how | I ( have loved ) Thy Law!*
All the day it is my | medi- ( ta- ) tion.
98More than mine enemies Thou makest me wise through | Thy ( com- ) mandments;*
for they are | ever ( with ) me.
99More than all my teachers have I gained | un- ( der- ) standing;*
for Thy testimonies are a medi- | tation ( for ) me.
100More than the elders do I | gain ( dis- ) cernment;*
for Thy pre- | cepts do ( I ob- ) serve.
101From every evil way have | I ( restrained ) my feet,*
that | I might ( keep Thy ) Word.
102From Thy judgments have I | not ( de- ) parted;*
for it is Thou | who hast ( taught ) me.
103How sweet to my taste are the | things ( which Thou ) hast said,*
more than | honey ( to my ) mouth!
104From Thy precepts I gain discernment; therefore | have ( I ) hated*
every | path of ( false- ) hood.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Thirteenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Fourteenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Thirteenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Fourteenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Second Psalm at Sext daily.

נ  Nun. Lucerna pedibus meis.

View Pointing:

105A lamp unto my feet is Thy Word,
and a light unto my path.
106I have sworn, and I will perform it,
that I will keep Thy righteous judgments.
107I am afflicted severely;
O Lord, quicken me according to Thy Word.
108The freewill offerings of my mouth accept, I beseech Thee, O Lord,
and Thy judgments teach Thou me.
109My soul is continually in my hand;
yet Thy Law do I not forget.
110The wicked have laid a snare for me;
yet from Thy precepts have I not erred.
111I have inherited Thy testimonies forever;
for they are the rejoicing of my heart.
112I have inclined mine heart to perform Thy statutes,
forever, unto the end.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

105A lamp unto my | feet ( is ) Thy Word,*
and a light | unto ( my ) path.
106I have sworn, and I | will ( per- ) form it,*
that I will keep Thy | righteous ( judg- ) ments.
107I am afflict- | ed ( se- ) verely;*
O Lord, quicken me ac- | cording ( to Thy ) Word.
108The freewill offerings of my mouth accept, I be- | seech ( Thee, ) O Lord,*
and Thy | judgments ( teach Thou ) me.
109My soul is contin- | ual- ( ly in ) my hand;*
yet Thy Law | do I ( not for- ) get.
110The wicked have | laid ( a snare ) for me;*
yet from Thy precepts | have I ( not ) erred.
111I have inherited Thy testimo- | nies ( for- ) ever;*
for they are the re- | joicing ( of my ) heart.
112I have inclined mine heart to per- | form ( Thy ) statutes,*
forever, | unto ( the ) end.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Fourteenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Thirteenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Second Psalm at Sext daily.

ס  Samekh. Iniquos odio habui.

View Pointing:

113Vain thoughts have I hated,
but Thy Law do I love.
114My hiding place and my shield art Thou;
in Thy Word do I hope.
115Depart from me, ye evildoers,
and I shall observe the commandments of my God.
116Uphold me as Thou hast said, and I shall live,
and make me not ashamed of mine expectation.
117Hold me up, and I shall be saved,
and will take heed unto Thy statutes continually.
118Thou hast trodden down all them that err from Thy statutes;
for their deceit is falsehood.
119Thou destroyest like dross all the wicked of the earth;
therefore I love Thy testimonies.
120My flesh trembleth for fear of Thee,
and of Thy judgments am I afraid.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Fifteenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Sixteenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

113Vain thoughts | have ( I ) hated,*
but Thy | Law do ( I ) love.
114My hiding place | and ( my shield ) art Thou;*
in Thy | Word do ( I ) hope.
115Depart from me, ye | ev- ( il- ) doers,*
and I shall observe the com- | mandments ( of my ) God.
116Uphold me as Thou hast | said, ( and I ) shall live,*
and make me not ashamed of mine | expec- ( ta- ) tion.
117Hold me up, and | I ( shall ) be saved,*
and will take heed unto Thy stat- | utes con- ( tinual- ) ly.
118Thou hast trodden down all them that err | from ( Thy ) statutes;*
for their de- | ceit is ( false- ) hood.
119Thou destroyest like dross all the | wick- ( ed of ) the earth;*
therefore I love Thy | testi- ( mo- ) nies.
120My flesh trem- | bleth ( for fear ) of Thee,*
and of Thy judg- | ments am ( I a- ) fraid.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Fifteenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Sixteenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Fifteenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Sixteenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Third Psalm at Sext daily.

ע  Ayin. Feci iudicium.

View Pointing:

121I have done judgment and righteousness;
leave me not to mine oppressors.
122Be surety for Thy servant for good;
let not the proud oppress me.
123Mine eyes long for Thy salvation,
and for what Thou hast said in righteousness.
124Deal with Thy servant according unto Thy mercy,
and Thy statutes teach Thou me.
125I am Thy servant; give me understanding,
and I shall know Thy testimonies.
126It is time for the Lord to act;
for they have broken Thy Law.
127Therefore I love Thy commandments
above gold; yea, above fine gold.
128Therefore I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right;
every path of falsehood do I hate.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

121I have done judg- | ment ( and right- ) eousness;*
leave me not to | mine op- ( pres- ) sors.
122Be surety for Thy | serv- ( ant ) for good;*
let not the | proud op- ( press ) me.
123Mine eyes long for | Thy ( sal- ) vation,*
and for what Thou hast | said in ( righteous- ) ness.
124Deal with Thy servant according un- | to ( Thy ) mercy,*
and Thy | statutes ( teach Thou ) me.
125I am Thy servant; give me | un- ( der- ) standing,*
and I shall know Thy | testi- ( mo- ) nies.
126It is time | for ( the Lord ) to act;*
for they have | broken ( Thy ) Law.
127Therefore I love | Thy ( com- ) mandments*
above gold; yea, | above ( fine ) gold.
128Therefore I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all | things ( to ) be right;*
every path of | falsehood ( do I ) hate.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Sixteenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Fifteenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Third Psalm at Sext daily.

פ  Pe. Mirabilia testimonia tua.

View Pointing:

129Wonderful are Thy testimonies;
therefore doth my soul observe them.
130The entrance of Thy words giveth light,
making the simple to understand.
131I opened my mouth, and panted;
for I longed for Thy commandments.
132Turn Thou unto me and be gracious unto me,
as is meet for those that love Thy name.
133Establish my steps in what Thou hast said,
and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
134Deliver me from the oppression of man,
and I will keep Thy precepts.
135Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant,
and teach me Thy statutes.
136Rivers of waters run down mine eyes,
because they keep not Thy Law.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Seventeenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Eighteenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

129Wonderful are Thy | tes- ( ti- ) monies;*
therefore doth my | soul ob- ( serve ) them.
130The entrance of Thy | wordsgiv- ) eth light,*
making the sim- | ple to ( under- ) stand.
131I opened my | mouth, ( and ) panted;*
for I longed for | Thy com- ( mand- ) ments.
132Turn Thou unto me and be | gra- ( cious un- ) to me,*
as is meet for | those that ( love Thy ) name.
133Establish my steps in | what ( Thou ) hast said,*
and let not any iniquity have do- | minion ( over ) me.
134Deliver me from the op- | pres- ( sion ) of man,*
and I will | keep Thy ( pre- ) cepts.
135Make Thy face to shine up- | on ( Thy ) servant,*
and teach | me Thy ( stat- ) utes.
136Rivers of waters | rundown ) mine eyes,*
because they | keep not ( Thy ) Law.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Seventeenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Eighteenth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Seventeenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Eighteenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the First Psalm at None daily.

צ  Tsadhe. Iustus es, Domine.

View Pointing:

137Righteous art Thou, O Lord,
and upright are Thy judgments.
138Thy testimonies are righteous that Thou hast commanded,
and exceedingly faithful.
139My zeal hath consumed me,
for mine enemies have forgotten Thy words.
140What Thou hast said is exceedingly pure,
and Thy servant loveth it.
141Small am I, and despised;
Thy precepts do I not forget.
142Thy righteousness is righteous everlastingly,
and Thy Law is truth.
143Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me;
Thy commandments are my delights.
144The righteousness of Thy testimonies is everlasting;
give me understanding, and I shall live.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

137Right- | eous ( art Thou, ) O Lord,*
and upright | are Thy ( judg- ) ments.
138Thy testimonies are righteous that Thou | hast ( com- ) manded,*
and exceed- | ingly ( faith- ) ful.
139My zeal | hath ( con- ) sumed me,*
for mine enemies have for- | gotten ( Thy ) words.
140What Thou hast said is ex- | ceed- ( ing- ) ly pure,*
and Thy | servant ( loveth ) it.
141Small am | I, ( and ) despised;*
Thy precepts | do I ( not for- ) get.
142Thy righteousness is righteous | ev- ( erlast- ) ingly,*
… | and Thy ( Law is ) truth.
143Trouble and anguish have | ta- ( ken hold ) on me;*
Thy command- | ments are ( my de- ) lights.
144The righteousness of Thy testimonies is | ev- ( er- ) lasting;*
give me understand- | ing, and ( I shall ) live.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Eighteenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Seventeenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the First Psalm at None daily.

ק  Qoph. Clamavi in toto corde meo.

View Pointing:

145I called with all my heart; hear me, O Lord;
Thy statutes will I observe.
146I called unto Thee; save me,
and I shall keep Thy testimonies.
147I greeted the dawn, and did cry;
in Thy Word did I hope.
148Mine eyes greeted the night watches,
that I might meditate in what Thou hast said.
149Hear my voice according unto Thy lovingkindness;
O Lord, according to Thy judgment quicken me.
150They draw nigh that follow after mischief;
from Thy Law they are far off.
151Near art Thou, O Lord,
and all Thy commandments are truth.
152From of old have I known of Thy testimonies
that Thou hast founded them forever.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Nineteenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Twentieth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

145I called with all my heart; | hear ( me, ) O Lord;*
Thy statutes | will I ( ob- ) serve.
146I called | un- ( to Thee; ) save me,*
and I shall keep Thy | testi- ( mo- ) nies.
147I greeted the | dawn, ( and ) did cry;*
in Thy | Word did ( I ) hope.
148Mine eyes greet- | ed ( the night ) watches,*
that I might meditate | in what ( Thou hast ) said.
149Hear my voice according unto Thy | lov- ( ing- ) kindness;*
O Lord, according to Thy | judgment ( quicken ) me.
150They draw nigh that follow | af- ( ter ) mischief;*
from Thy Law | they are ( far ) off.
151… | Near ( art Thou, ) O Lord,*
and all Thy com- | mandments ( are ) truth.
152From of old have I known of Thy | tes- ( ti- ) monies*
that Thou hast founded | them for- ( ev- ) er.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Nineteenth Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Twentieth Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Nineteenth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Twentieth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Second Psalm at None daily.

ר  Resh. Vide humilitatem.

View Pointing:

153Consider mine affliction, and deliver me;
for Thy Law do I not forget.
154Plead my cause, and redeem me;
as Thou hast spoken, quicken me.
155Far from the wicked is salvation;
for Thy statutes they do not seek.
156Thy tender mercies are great, O Lord;
according to Thy judgments, quicken me.
157Many are my persecutors and mine adversaries;
from Thy testimonies do I not decline.
158I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved,
who keep not what Thou hast said.
159Consider how I love Thy precepts;
O Lord, according to Thy lovingkindness, quicken me.
160From the beginning Thy Word is truth;
and forever is every one of Thy righteous judgments.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

153Consider mine affliction, | and ( deliv- ) er me;*
for Thy Law | do I ( not ) forget.
154Plead my cause, | and ( re- ) deem me;*
as Thou hast | spoken, ( quicken ) me.
155Far from the wicked | is ( sal- ) vation;*
for Thy stat- | utes they ( do not ) seek.
156Thy tender mer- | cies ( are great, ) O Lord;*
according to Thy | judgments, ( quicken ) me.
157Many are my persecutors and mine | ad- ( ver- ) saries;*
from Thy testimonies | do I ( not ) decline.
158I beheld the trans- | gres- ( sors, and ) was grieved,*
who keep | not what ( Thou hast ) said.
159Consider how I | love ( Thy ) precepts;*
O Lord, according to Thy loving- | kindness, ( quicken ) me.
160From the begin- | ning ( Thy Word ) is truth;*
and forever is every one of Thy | righteous ( judg- ) ments.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Twentieth Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Nineteenth Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Second Psalm at None daily.

ש  Shin. Principes persecuti sunt.

View Pointing:

161Princes have persecuted me without cause;
but my heart standeth in awe of Thy Word.
162I rejoice at what Thou hast said,
as one that findeth great spoil.
163Lying do I hate and abhor;
Thy Law do I love.
164Seven times a day do I praise Thee
for Thy righteous judgments.
165Great peace have they which love Thy Law,
and nothing shall offend them.
166I have hoped for Thy salvation, O Lord,
and Thy commandments have I done.
167My soul hath kept Thy testimonies,
and I love them exceedingly.
168I have kept Thy precepts and Thy testimonies;
for all my ways are before Thee.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Twenty-first Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Twenty-second Octave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

161Princes have persecuted | me ( with- ) out cause;*
but my heart standeth in | awe of ( Thy ) Word.
162I rejoice | at ( what Thou ) hast said,*
as one that | findeth ( great ) spoil.
163Lying do I | hate ( and ) abhor;*
… | Thy Law ( do I ) love.
164Seven times a day | do ( I ) praise Thee*
for Thy | righteous ( judg- ) ments.
165Great peace have | they ( which love ) Thy Law,*
and nothing | shall of- ( fend ) them.
166I have hoped for Thy sal- | va- ( tion, ) O Lord,*
and Thy com- | mandments ( have I ) done.
167My soul hath kept Thy | tes- ( ti- ) monies,*
and I love | them ex- ( ceeding- ) ly.
168I have kept Thy precepts and Thy | tes- ( ti- ) monies;*
for all my ways | are be- ( fore ) Thee.

   In the traditional arrangement of the Daily Office, the Gloria Patri is not sung with the Twenty-first Octave. The Psalm continues immediately with the Twenty-second Octave.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Twenty-first Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Twenty-second Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Third Psalm at None daily.

ת  Taw. Appropinquet deprecatio.

View Pointing:

169Let my cry come near before Thee, O Lord;
according to Thy Word give me understanding.
170Let my supplication come before Thee;
according as Thou hast said, deliver me.
171My lips shall utter praise;
for Thou hast taught me Thy statutes.
172My tongue shall speak of what Thou hast said;
for all Thy commandments are righteousness.
173Let Thine hand be an help for me;
for Thy precepts have I chosen.
174I have longed for Thy salvation, O Lord,
and Thy Law is my delight.
175Let my soul live, and it shall praise Thee,
and let Thy judgments help me.
176I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Thy servant;
for Thy commandments do I not forget.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen.

169Let my cry come near be- | fore ( Thee, ) O Lord;*
according to Thy Word give me | under- ( stand- ) ing.
170Let my supplication | come ( be- ) fore Thee;*
according as Thou hast | said, de- ( liver ) me.
171My | lips ( shall ut- ) ter praise;*
for Thou hast taught | me Thy ( stat- ) utes.
172My tongue shall speak | of ( what Thou ) hast said;*
for all Thy command- | ments are ( righteous- ) ness.
173Let Thine hand | be ( an help ) for me;*
for Thy precepts | have I ( cho- ) sen.
174I have longed for Thy sal- | va- ( tion, ) O Lord,*
and Thy | Law is ( my de- ) light.
175Let my soul live, and | it ( shall ) praise Thee,*
and let Thy | judgments ( help ) me.
176I have gone astray like a lost sheep; | seek ( Thy ) servant;*
for Thy commandments | do I ( not for- ) get.

Glory be to the Father, | and ( to ) the Son,*
and to the | Holy ( Spir- ) it;
as it was in the beginning, both | now ( and ) ever,*
and unto ages of | ages. ( A- ) men.

The Twenty-second Octave of the 119th Psalm is sung together with the Twenty-first Octave, with one Gloria Patri, as the Third Psalm at None daily.

« 118 | 119 | 120 »

The 119th Psalm is sung in its entirety daily, distributed between the Hours (Prime, Terce, Sext, and None).